Friday, February 27, 2009

Effective group activities

I enjoy doing conversations or idea sharing activities. One that I enjoy is having the class form two circles. The outer circle faces inward and the inner circle faces outward. Each student pairs up with a student and you the teacher tells them to start. They can discuss any topic you assign them. After a certain time that you decide you tell them to rotate. You the teacher needs to walk around the room to make sure they are on task. If they are on task you can also join in conversations. This is a good way for the students to state their opinion and hear many opinions in a short period of time.

Do you have any other effective group activities?


  1. this sounds like a fun way to make students uncomfortable! is there any sort of assessment that you use with this, besides informal assessment? just wondering!

  2. I have been given the idea of the teacher could join in and assess the students on their speaking ability. Other subjects could ask the students questions during it and assess them according to their answers.
