Monday, March 9, 2009

Authentic Material

I have been trying to use authentic material in my class more often. Recently I used some personal advertisements. The students seems to interact better and relate better when they feel like it is something that is real life and not just out of a text. I was wondering if anybody else uses authentic material. If you do how do you use it. Where do you get your authentic material. What I mean by authentic material is for example in science you could show some notes from a famous scientist. In Social studies you could show newspapers from that time period.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't heard about authentic material. Was that in our reading and I missed it? I think I might understand what you mean by it. The more authentic the better! Your idea of conducting a market could include lots of authentic things such as blankets, jewlery, fruit, etc. Using music, stories, poems, and art could be possibilities as well. May be having students bring in news articles about spanish speaking countries would be considered authentic material.
