Saturday, March 14, 2009

Activity that I tried, but was not as successful as I hoped.

I wrote an activity sheet for the students to complete. They had to ask a partner if they had certain characteristics. They would write down the response. I found our that my directions were not as clear as I hoped and I did not give them an example. Maybe a third of the students did it correctly. I think it was a good activity I just found out that I needed to make my instructions clearer. You have to treat them like little children whenever instructions are given and I did not know that.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I like diaries as a starter. You can post something on the board or display an image and they will write about it. As the teacher you should also write something along with the students. This encourages them and in Spanish class I can give them examples and ideas with what I write.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I have not tried this, but as I did the Matrix I come up with this idea. I think it would be great to create a market in Spanish class and have the kids learn the words and phrases through talking with each other in the market. They would take turns as the vendor and the shopper.

How do you manage the slower and quicker students in class?

I have had a problem with a group of kids that have been finishing assignments before the other students and are really chatty. My cooperating teacher has given me the idea of giving more work, but only grading the first part. This will allow the slower students to do the first part and keep the others occupied. When all have finished the required portion I will continue the class. I like this idea, but I was wondering if any else has other ideas of how to keep the whole class busy even though they do work at different speeds.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Authentic Material

I have been trying to use authentic material in my class more often. Recently I used some personal advertisements. The students seems to interact better and relate better when they feel like it is something that is real life and not just out of a text. I was wondering if anybody else uses authentic material. If you do how do you use it. Where do you get your authentic material. What I mean by authentic material is for example in science you could show some notes from a famous scientist. In Social studies you could show newspapers from that time period.