Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I have not tried this, but as I did the Matrix I come up with this idea. I think it would be great to create a market in Spanish class and have the kids learn the words and phrases through talking with each other in the market. They would take turns as the vendor and the shopper.


  1. you could actually take this one step further in the class and make it sort of a reward day. You could have groups of two or three work together. they could come up with a traditional food that they could make and bring to class. all studnets would bring their food on the same day. Then you could give them poker chips for money and have them haggle over prices and buy food. Thus getting the vender expereince and rewarding their efforts all at once! i think that this would have been lots of fun...and of course all of this would be done in spansih!

  2. Oh - that's so cool!! Bartering at markets in Mexico was one of my favorite things to do. What an excellent way to engage the students in a way that immerses them in the lanugage and culture. It would be a great opportunity to get parents involved too.

  3. What a great idea. You have to do this. It will make learning Spanish much more real to the kids. I like Austie's idea of bargaining too.

    Katie Cook
