Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How do you manage the slower and quicker students in class?

I have had a problem with a group of kids that have been finishing assignments before the other students and are really chatty. My cooperating teacher has given me the idea of giving more work, but only grading the first part. This will allow the slower students to do the first part and keep the others occupied. When all have finished the required portion I will continue the class. I like this idea, but I was wondering if any else has other ideas of how to keep the whole class busy even though they do work at different speeds.


  1. I am not sure about the answer to this dilema, but I would be careful about giving extra work to those who finish. It could be seen as a negative - as a punishment for getting their work done. Plus none of us really enjoy the "busy work." One thing I have seen that seemed effective was a "game" sort of situation. Of course the game was actually dealing with the content, but it was seen more as a reward for getting their work done as opposed to "more work". Basically its the same thing, just a different under a different name.

  2. i dont really like the idea of having work that is not graded but that they are doing, just does not seem fair. what if you had a packet of stuff that had to be completed by a certine time period (like 2 weeks), it could be assigned as homework, but they could work on it whenever they were finished early. that way all students are getting the needed practice and all students are being rewarded for their hard work.
